non-fiction Opinion

Another Year is Coming to an End


An end of a year is a paradox. To celebrate a new year, one must say goodbye to the one left behind. In each year we gain and we lose making it an emotional affair. As the world newspapers begin to count the deaths and the notable births, the gaffes and the wins, individuals walking down a street are doing a similar exercise inside their minds. Here is my tally of how I did that I can openly share with the world!


A sister and a reunion
My brother got married, its side effect was a sweet addition to our family and a get together of cousins, nephews and nieces and aunts and uncles. The experience provided a firm grounding.

Glaciers, Mountains, and Mocha Brava
Under the towering mountains of Alaska while we searched for wild life (and the meaning of our lives!) beholding giant glaciers, daily we drove through cute huts serving endless espresso and Mocha Brava treats. We gained the Alaskan experience in 2017.

While I am behind in my general reading for pleasure this year, I did write two+ books, I submitted one and got rejected.


Three Notable Rejections
I received three rejections to one book in 2017. I am rewriting it based on one good feedback I got from one of the rejections. I am not giving up, not yet.

Net neutral

  1. My eldest kid lost five teeth, and five new ones grew back up!
  2. We celebrated five more birthdays and said goodbye to one more year of our lives but kept the experience gained from the spent year!
  3. My relationship ended with one employer and a new one took its place.

The beauty of a “New Year” is to let go the negative, start over when you fall, and embrace the goodness of life year in and year out. Happy New Year to you and tell me what your pluses and minuses and net neutrals are for 2017!




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