
A Thanksgiving Wish For My Children


As surely as the good days make your heart melt with joy
There will be days when you may just want to cry
And, you feel you cannot take it another day
Remember all you have to do is breathe
Breathe a big one in and a big one out

On days when you feel things didn’t turn out
How you imagined life would be
And, nothing seems alright with the world
Just listen to all the sounds you hear
Be it tick-tick of a clock, or a soothing melody of the birds.

When you feel you have reached
That place in life where nowhere else to go
You take a seat, close your eyes, and wait for tomorrow
For in the morning light you will see,
All the things you can be thankful for

In life all days are not equal
Some will be great, but some not so great
On those sappy terrible days
Remember the sun too will rise
And, a miracle you will see

Thousands of years, millions have ached,
And millions have cried tears of pain and joy
Now, go on, my babies make fast a list
Of your life’s blessing, all your life’s treasures
Because they will come in handy, on one of those needy days.

Childrens Poetry

A Giant Scary Bus


Today my boy took a step
Into a giant scary bus
Trembling with fear, a hard goodbye
A necessary must, the letting go of hand

Today my boy took a step
Into the giant scary world
A baby no more, a big kid now
How do I shelter you no more?

Today my boy took a step
Through that large yellow door
They called you a “little peanut” when you were born
Now my peanut is on the road alone

I wait for a ring on my phone
To tell me you cried no more
To tell me you smiled some more
I wait for that ring my boy!

Go now, my boy, fear no more
Don’t you worry; Don’t be shy
Be happy, be proud
You are a fantastic little boy

Don’t hold back; Don’t look back
A new road waits for you
Sing a happy tune, now sprint away
Go now my boy, live full your day!


Take Me Away

When I was young I used to dream
To will it to happen for real
Else a wretched miserable life forever

Now that I am old I dream
But reality isn’t the idea any more
It’s the idea that’s important

When I was young I used to believe
Dreams must come true
Else it is all a waste

Now that I am old I don’t dream that way
All that matters is to believe again
In the goodness that exists, if not around
Somewhere sure as heck for real

For that that is hard to endure
I now dream to believe again
That fairies exist and heaven exists

When I was young I used to pen my dreams on paper
I would gladly seal with red ink stamp
Under my hearts stiff dictator rule

Now, the night I dream I dance away
Like a flower floating in the morning wind
For lucky are those that can dream of heaven
When chaos is ambient as far as eye can see

I wish I could will to dream
But my friend plays the elusive game with me
And when it stops to visit
I hold the thought in deep embrace

Lived too long and seen too much
I seek to forget in my dream’s refuge
Unshackle me, my old friend
I am ready, now take me away!

Childrens non-fiction Poetry

Tread Gently, My Mir


Not like a mother doting with love
More like a lover afraid to indulge the heart
That pines away in secret love affair
Writing a thousand love letters
Stashed away in wooden drawers

Overworked paparazzi with a fancy camera lens
Shuttering, Stuttering, opening and closing
Noting each smile, each frown
Breaking and unbreaking my heart in a million pieces
Waiting around the corner for your next move
A tear waiting to drench the cheek

So, just like that wordless, nameless, countless lover
My Mir, my knight in shining armor
Keeping me awake into the night
You danced away in pious grace
Tread carefully, my love, my mir

You may not see the veiled admirer
Being killed with an innocent smile of yours
Bruised with the sheer intensity of love
My Mir, my buddy, my loving treasure
Tread Carefully, my Mir
I love you beyond hearts can imagine

Live Well, My Mir
And when you go out there
Remember your first follower
Will be loving you endlessly for times to come
So, tread carefully, My Mir
I am so in love with you!

fiction Poetry

The Murmur of a Silent Heart

Dreams are but vapors of a passing downpour
The rustling from a vibrating tree
The murmur of a silent heart
That speaks to no one, shows its face to nobody

Dreams are but figments of reality
Bits of truth garbled in a cloud
Not what you can touch or hear
Aliens the world embraced as real

The fresh scent of wet grass
the aroma of violet wild flowers
the tickle from a gentle breeze
You think of me, and I weep in delight

Our worlds collide, we crash and burn
Wake up and you are not there again.
Ah, another dream it must be
The world we conjured up in disguise

Replayed, edited, reframed and reimagined
Craftsmanship of a directorial debut
Of a habitual dreamer
Walking in another’s shoes

Dreams are messages from another world
That exists but for you
It is yours to annihilate or adorn
Yours to cherish or loathe


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